1 Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. 2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
~ Hebrews 13:1-2
I had one of those experiences on Sunday that made me so proud to be a pastor at the ROC. I just had to take a moment this morning to brag on my ROC Flock.
Early Sunday morning, as people began to trickle in for Sunday School, one of our members found me and said, "We have a special guest and she needs some help." It is not an uncommon occurrence to encounter people seeking some kind of help at the ROC. It is a blessing to give, to be sure, but I have to admit that being known in the area as a giving place can sometimes drain one's energy and resources. There is so much need. And yet, as the Body of Christ, we didn't come to be served, but to serve and to give our lives away for Him - as Jesus modeled for us. And as we step out, He sustains us.
I simply said of course... where is she. As I approached Teresa, it was obvious that she lived in poverty. Suffering and hardship had taken its toll, leaving their marks all over her face, hands, feet, and clothes. Her downcast demeanor and broken body were clear witnesses of the oppression and brokenness of this world. My heart began to break for her.
I introduced myself and talked to her for a moment. It was obvious that she had a gentle and sweet spirit, in spite of her suffering... maybe it was because of all she had been through and not in spite of it. She told me that her family was moving to another part of the city and they wouldn't have heat for some time this winter, and they needed some blankets to keep warm. She has several grandchildren living with her and didn't want them to get sick over the brutal winter months.
I thought to myself, "I can't believe that we don't keep any blankets around here, but how can we say 'no' to such an honest, humble request." I said, "Let me see what we can do." As I asked around, I found out that Pastor Beckie had recently purchased about 7 or 8 new blankets to give away. Every year, as the weather changes and it starts to get cold over night, Beckie and a few others from our fellowship buy blankets to hand out to the homeless. It just happened that they had not gone out to give them away yet, and they were still in the trunk of her car. Coincidence?
Theresa stayed for Bible Study and worship. She was able to gather some bread that we offer for the community to take home for her family. And after the service, she spoke to me. She was in tears and simply said, "I wish I had found this place sooner. Everyone treated me so special here. They were kind and loving. I have been to churches where I was looked down on and treated poorly because of my appearance. This is a beautiful place." She asked if there was a church like this where she was moving. I gave her the contact information of a church like us that will be near her - I'm friends with their pastor and I know they will treat her well.
I believe that she found more than blankets and bread that day - I think she encountered the Bread of Life who can cover her and her family with the warmth of His presence. I can't think of anything that touches a pastor's heart more than a story like this.
Our fellowship truly embodied the beautiful prayer that I heard while working at a homeless shelter in Kansas City. We had different church groups come through to serve dinner each night. I would usually have someone from the group pray before we prepared to serve the meal. One evening an elderly African American lady offered a prayer that I will never forget. She simply said, "Lord, we know You'll be comin' through the line today. Help us treat you well. Amen." I try to remember that pray every day. "Lord, I know that I'm going to encounter you today. Help me treat you well." I wish I could say that I live up to that all the time... but I don't. And, yet I know that He hasn't given up on me... as we sang on Sunday - You never let go.
I absolutely love leading people who "get it"... who understand that we learn to love God by loving others... that whatever we do for the least and lost, we do for Him. And as we pour ourselves out, living as expressions as His love, His grace and His peace... we receive the Kingdom of God.
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
~ Matthew 25:37-40
Thank you ROC Flock! I'm proud of you! Let us continue to love one another for God is love!