Wednesday, August 7, 2013

St. Darrell Watkins

They heard a loud noise that sounded like gun fire and suddenly the back window in their van shattered.  They probably wondered what in the world they were doing touring the 10th Street community with veteran Greenvale teacher Marilyn Denson.  But upon further inspection, they realized that it was actually a battery which was thrown through their window, likely from one of the teens left to roam the streets.  As they surveyed the broken pieces lying all over the floor, God began to break their hearts for the lost and hurting people of our community.  From that moment on, Darrell and Jo Watkins poured themselves out in service and sacrifice for the Kingdom through Reaching Our City ministries.

Darrell Watkins passed away on July, 26th 2013.  He was a founding member of the ROC Church and a longtime board member of Reaching Our City, Inc.  We will deeply miss his presence in this place, but his fingerprints are everywhere.  Darrell spent numerous hours making this old warehouse into a ministry center.  He put up several walls, built the shelves in the food pantry, helped lay the floors, and built the altars where hundreds have wept, prayed, and encountered Christ over the years. He also constructed the cross that sets in the center of our worship space, which clearly symbolizes his cross-shaped life. 

He saw beyond the dirt, the pigeons, and the imperfections of this old warehouse in those early days and with a deep faith knew that God could turn it into something beautiful, into something holy.  He often told me, after worshipping with our diverse congregation, that our old gym became a beautiful cathedral for him.  Not only did he help us build a building, but Darrell invested deeply in restoring the lives of broken people.  It is only fitting that this retired Airman would help us turn a warehouse where they used to build airplane parts into a space that gives people wings of hope. 

Darrell often shared his testimony of God’s healing presence in his life.  Several years before ROC began; God miraculously healed Darrell from cancer.  From that moment on he had a renewed sense of mission, which ultimately led him to participate in ROC ministries.  He wanted others to know God’s healing presence in their lives.  Through Darrell’s work and testimony, ROC has become a healing place for countless people in our community. 

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. (Heb. 12:1-2a NIV)  Darrell is one of my faith heroes.  ROC is here because of the people of faith like Darrell Watkins who have given themselves fully to the mission of God in this community.  He has taken his place among the great cloud of witnesses who marked the way and are cheering us on today.  And we are confident of this, that the One who began a good work here will carry it on to completion. 

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