Monday, August 8, 2011

Another Testimony...

One of the members of Tori's Bible Study group at El Reno Federal Penitentiary sent me his testimony. It touched on a lot of things we are talking about in our "Each One Reach One & Teach One" emphasis and was just too powerful not to share. Here it is:

July 31, 2011


God bless the very air you breathe… I am told by a brother, whom I hold dear to my heart that you would like to hear my testimony.

I am from Lubbock, TX. I am 33 years old. I have been in gang life since I was 13 years old. By that time, I already smoked weed and drank most of the time. My older brother schooled me in the street life and taught me to fight and sell drugs. Love was not expressed in my world the way that I hear other people talk about it. To this day, I still don’t know who my dad is. I never made it to the 8th grade due to a shooting I was involved in. I ran from the law and created havoc everywhere I went. I hurt people, lied, stole and used people to get my way. That way of life only has two for sure outcomes: death or prison. While most kids my age were at football practice or getting ready for prom, I was on my way to prison with grown men. Life behind these walls are not easy for anyone, let alone a kid.

The first time I heard about Jesus was in prison, and to be honest with you when you are around nothing but hate and violence, love sounds real good! I knew that I needed to change and I had a little boy to look after. I did not want my son to be anything like me. I wanted him to know his dad. I gave my life to Jesus, but no one explained to me what had taken place. Yes, I read my bible, but it made no sense to me. Once I was released from prison, I tried to live for God but lacked the power to stay strong. I backslid and allowed the enemy to lie to me. I turned on the only good thing in my life and returned to my old ways…

I have been in the Federal System since 2003 serving a 16 year sentence for selling drugs. While serving time at the maximum security prison “USP Florence Col,” I was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. I can boldly say that I have never been the same since that day! He has been the driving force behind all that God has done through and in my life. If you would have told me 8 years ago that God would be using me to teach known gang members, ex-drug dealers, murders, etc. the word of God, I would have laughed at you. But today it humbles me to tears that God would use someone like me to spread His word.

For the last 6 years God has been moving here in El Reno. We use to have Bible Study Sun. – Wed. out on the rec. yard. I preach every Thursday and every 5th Sunday in our Church service here. I’ve lead many men and a few women to our Lord, but I believe that my ministry is to those who are already saved and are trying to learn how to walk. I wish someone would have been there to teach me who I was in Christ.

In prison you only have your word, so you better be sure what you go around saying. I stake my life on the credibility of God’s unfailing love and power on a daily basis.

In closing, learn to trust in the One who formed you. God bless you and yours.

Your brother in Christ Jesus our King!

A.K.A. Joker

p.s. I am sending an “In Christ” confession so that you can start saying what God already says about you. Philemon 1:6
Read it. Speak it. Live It!

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